Emotionally Fit

Heal or reduce your chronic symptoms and physical pain by managing, expressing and releasing your emotions in a healthy way.

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Do you have chronic symptoms or pain but no one has been able to figure out what's causing them and how to heal them?

I have experienced this too, and I'm super grateful that I have the opportunity to show you in this course how to overcome this frustrating experience.

Is your lower back is hurting, but you have gotten no help from stretching or strengthening exercises, “fixing” your posture, or countless massages and chiropractic appointments? None of the X-rays shows anything significant that would justify this pain!

Do you have digestive issues, you’ve seen every doctor under the Sun, gotten more endoscopies than you can count, done all the cleanses and protocols, yet you still feel sick to your stomach 80% of the time?

Or maybe you are chronically fatigued? Resting doesn’t help, changing your diet does nothing, and supplements are costing you a fortune but NOTHING gets better.

If so, then you need to know about something called TMS.

Let's talk about it...

TMS is a term that stands for Tension Myositis Syndrome. Yes, it's a mouthful but what it means is actually quite simple. It means that even though the sensations that you are experiencing in the body and that cause you a lot of discomfort and are very painful, there is nothing physically wrong with you.

The sensations are there because your brain and nervous system are in a heightened state and stressed. One of the major stressors is emotional suppression. You read it right: Suppressed emotions can cause physical sensations that are sometimes unbelievably painful and uncomfortable!

Emotions are feelings in the body. That's why the chronic back pain, neck ache, or pain in any other part of the body, migraines, leaky gut, tinnitus, tennis elbow and so many other problems may actually be simply a representation of your emotional state that you have never acknowledged and healed.

Here is the problem though...

Most of us have never even heard that there is a connection between our emotional state and our physical health.

Most of us have always thought that if something feels physically uncomfortable, there is a physical cause for it.

That's why you keep going back to more physical and medical treatments: Massages, physical therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture; you make appointments with nutrition specialists who give you digestive "protocols", you eliminate 15 foods from your diet; you get more X-rays; you try everything from homeopathic remedies to prescription medications. yet you are not getting better.

The reason is simple:

Physical treatment can't heal a problem that's actually emotional.

This program will fill that gap that has been between you and your healing. You will learn how to recognize, feel and express your emotions and through that, get significant relief to your physical sensations or even heal them completely!

You may think that you already understand and express your emotions. After all, you do get annoyed sometimes. And other times you do feel a little bit sad. So you may be wondering that if emotional expression is so important in healing chronic symptoms, why are you still not better?

But here’s something to consider:

It’s Completely Possible That You DO Suppress Your Emotions Without Realizing It🤯

Let me give you a few examples…

  • Your husband still hasn’t taken out the trash yet even though you asked him to do it several times. Instead of saying anything, you just take it out yourself and then stay internally angry the whole evening without saying anything. When he asks you what’s wrong, you say “nothing”. But the truth is, you just suppressed your anger and if suppressing anger becomes a habit, it may later start manifesting as chronic migraines….
  • A family member loses his temper, raises his voice and is mean to you. You just leave the situation without saying anything because you are terrified! You never bring this up later either and just let things “settle down” on their own. In reality, nothing got resolved and you are still carrying this fear and anxiety with you. At one point you start having constant back aches…
  • A friend texts you 15 times a day to tell you all about her relationship dramas. You are always there for her but she never asks how you are doing. You push down your anger and frustration. Despite feeling like you’ve been taken advantage of, you listen to her and are there for here without saying a word about how you feel. You don't want to lose a friend, but at the same time, you are pushing down a lot of anger. A similar, people-pleasing situation happens repeatedly, and now you start developing serious digestive problems…
  • A friend has hurt you with her words and it feels really painful. But you decide that you don’t want to look weak, you have no time to cry about it, and you should move on quickly. You just suppressed your sadness. Doing that over and over again in various situations is now causing you to be chronically fatigued…

These are just some of the chronic symptoms that may manifest in you, and there is no clear cut correlation between the emotion that you suppress and the symptom that you get. The brain is capable of creating symptoms in ANY part of the body.

Can you see how you may not be even aware that you have been suppressing emotions?

Once you learn HOW to recognize, feel and express your emotions in a healthy way, you will get so much relief from these heavy emotions and also symptoms that come with them. After all, these uncomfortable feelings in the body ARE your emotions and stress!

Get started now!

Who Is Emotionally Fit Meant For?

This course is meant for 2 types of people who have chronic pain or other symptoms:

1) The program is for you if you have gotten no lasting relief to your pain or other symptoms from traditional medicine. You have tried all sorts of treatments:

  • Stretching
  • Massages
  • Special diets
  • Supplements
  • Elimination diets
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgeries
  • And so much more.

You have likely spent a fortune trying to find the solution but with no luck. No matter what you try, you are not getting better. Every expert seems to have a different opinion. Some of them shrug their shoulders and say that you should be okay because nothing seems out of the ordinary.

No wonder that you're feeling lost when there is no clear answer!

You have become afraid of the simplest activities such as walking, sitting, driving or standing. You've stopped going out and socializing because you think that these things may make you worse. You have put your life on hold and you are losing hope.

But luckily, you have recently come across the world of TMS and you are getting curious about it. Welcome, this program is the right place for you!

2) The program is for you if you have known about TMS for a while and you have tried out the common TMS healing practices but you haven't seen much improvement. Here's what you have probably tried (in addition to everything mentioned above!):

  • Repeating to yourself that you are safe
  • Talking to your brain, assuring it that you are not in danger, and asking it to calm down
  • Stopped going to doctors and other health experts
  • Stopped talking about your symptoms all the time because you know that this keeps them around
  • Started going out and living your life more.

All these things are fantastic and absolutely necessary to recover from chronic TMS symptoms. But if you have not gotten relief, or not as much as you would like, there's a good chance that you have not looked into your...


That's right: Learning to understand, express and handle your emotions is one of the major keys to chronic sensation and pain recovery. This is exactly what this program, Emotionally Fit, is focused on.

NOTE: It is important that you have been checked out by a medical professional and ruled out anything structural and / or life threatening! Don't skip this step.

What People Are Saying

What Will You Get Out of This Course?

By the end of this course, you...

  • Have learned why emotional expression matters and how it can help you heal. You understand exactly how emotional suppression causes physical symptoms and how to work with your feelings safely so that you get relief from symptoms
  • Understand how your personality traits are contributing to your chronic symptoms and how to make changes to them so that you can feel better. You will become more confident, honest and direct person, and your symptoms will improve too
  • Learn how childhood events and personality traits are contributing to your current chronic sensations. This eye-opening realization will help you see the root cause of your health problems and how you can resolve them
  • Know how to recognize different emotions by learning how they feel in the body. You will understand what is or are the most dominant emotion(s) that you are carrying around based on how they feel, and you will also get tools for working with each one of them
  • Are a master of expressing your difficult emotions in a healthy way. You will no longer be afraid of your emotions or brush them under the rug. Instead, you express them, and that brings healing!
  • Have stopped hiding your emotions and you have stopped feeling bad for having them. You know that emotions are safe and can't harm you, and that there is nothing wrong with you for feeling the emotions you feel
  • Have learned a variety of tools that you can use right away when a difficult emotion comes up. That way, the heavy emotions can't accumulate and cause more chronic problems!
  • Have gotten significant relief from your chronic pain or sensations. That's why you are here!

Get started now!

What's Inside the Emotionally Fit Program?

Here's an overview of what you're going to learn, module by module.


In this part of the program, you'll lay the foundation to healing from chronic sensations (TMS).

We're going over the concept of TMS, how emotions contribute to developing TMS pain or other symptoms, and the most common personality traits that are associated with TMS.

Module 1

After this module, you'll understand how you learned to hide your emotions and the consequences of it. You'll go from being afraid of them to allowing them, which brings healing.

The first module of the program is about understanding emotional suppression and repression and how they cause physical sensations and pain. I will take you through some real life examples that you may come across, that help you to understand if you are currently acknowledging or ignoring your emotions. You may be afraid to experience your emotions, so in this module you will overcome your fear and start becoming more expressive.

Module 2

At the end of this module, you know exactly what to do when you are getting overwhelmed by any emotion. Instead of ignoring or denying emotions which causes you pain, you’ll face then which brings healing.

This module is very practical. You're going to learn the exact, detailed steps for emotional expression, so that you can start practicing them right away! There's a 4-step framework that is the foundation of your emotional healing. You will also learn what the sensations in your body mean and what emotion they might be representing.

You will also learn ways how to work with your body to release emotions. These are called somatic exercises and they are great at creating regulation and balance in your nervous system very quickly!

Modules 3-6 are all about diving deep into some of the most common “negative” emotions.

Module 3

On the other side of Module 3, you’ll be a person who no longer runs away, distracts herself or goes into panic mode when anxiety shows up. Instead, you will face it, be with it and let it dissolve.

Module 3 is about anxiety. You’ll learn exactly what to do when it shows up and how to handle it without fear. You will learn how to stop adding fuel to the fire when you are already anxious and how to bring yourself back to a calm and present state. You'll learn about lifestyle factors that, without you even realizing, can be making you more anxious and how to change or eliminate them. You will also find two mindfulness practices that will help you come back to a calm, present state if you get anxious.

In addition, you will do your first somatic experiencing exercise in this module, that is specifically designed to bring you very fast relief from anxiety!

As anxiety is a big cause of chronic symptoms, learning how to handle it and then practicing it will also significantly ease your symptoms!

Module 4

After this module, you no longer push your anger down and pretend that it doesn’t exist when, for example, someone lets you down or treats you poorly. You will express your anger in a healthy and constructive way, and you will set your boundaries confidently.

This module is dedicated to the emotion of anger. You will learn that you really might have anger in you, even if you aren't aware of it, and how it's causing you chronic symptoms. You'll get the exact tools to work with anger in order to get relief from symptoms. You will understand the connection between your childhood and bottled up anger, as well as your current personality traits and anger.

There are also very effective and quick somatic experiencing exercises that help you to release the feeling of anger and find your balance again. They are extremely helpful in offering you fast relief from the intensity of anger.

It may be come as a surprise but anger isn't always bad and in fact can be used in a positive way -- and you will learn, how!

Module 5

After this module, you will be a person who realizes that the shame she has been feeling all her life isn’t a true representation of who she is. She truly understands her value and worth, and no longer lets shame keep her silent and small.

In this module, you're going to focus in on one of the most important emotions that always contributes to chronic symptoms, and that is shame. You will learn what are some of the health consequences associated with excessive shame, where your shame started, where it's showing up in your day to day life (you'll be surprised!) and exactly what you need to start doing in order to reduce shame. Understanding and reducing shame is critical in your recovery from chronic sensations!

Though somatic experiencing, you also learn what body movements and postures can help you handle shame and find a new sense of empowerment!

Module 6

After this module, you will be a person who no longer feels embarrassed or ashamed when she needs to cry or show her sadness in other ways. Instead, you understand that feeling sad is actually very healthy and expressing it will help you heal from pain.

This module is all about the emotion of sadness. You'll become aware of some coping strategies that you may have used be using to cover up your sadness. You'll learn how to open up to sadness and handle it, instead of continuing to suffer from symptoms. If you're having a hard time feeling sadness, you will learn how to get in touch with that feeling too so that it can heal.

You will learn some somatic practices that help you to process your sadness. Through somatic self-soothing, you will feel lighter and better quickly. When these practices are repeated over time, your nervous system will find its regulated, calm and relaxed state faster every time something triggers you.

All these modules, 1-6, end with homework.

Module 7

This is the last module of the program.

You're going to learn how to tell that you are getting better even before your sensations begin to improve, what to do when you experience really hard, high sensation days, and how to do a simple morning check in that will set a great tone to your day. This matters because the better you feel emotionally, the better your body feels, too!

In addition to audio lessons and PDFs, there are also practical exercises and meditations that you can use throughout the program!

What People Are Saying

Get started now!

Still Not Sure If This Program Is Right for You?

You've probably been stuck with your chronic pain or symptom (TMS) recovery despite doing everything right.

You've been...

  • Telling yourself that you are safe, over and over again, only to feel overwhelmed 10 minutes later
  • Repeating positive affirmations but they just feel hollow because you actually don’t believe them
  • Doing tons of meditations, breath work and other mindfulness techniques, only to feel temporary relief and continue to wonder what's WRONG with you that none of this is really working?
  • Trying so many diets, supplements, stretching, yoga and strengthening routines, most of which are expensive and only add more stress
  • Participating in countless Facebook groups for support and help... only to leave feeling more drained, hopeless and sometimes even negative
  • Reading all the books and watching all the videos that you can find about TMS, then wondering what are you still missing because you seem to be the only person who is not getting better
  • Going back to living life more, doing more, socializing more but realizing that the pain comes back as soon as you return home
  • Getting frustrated: "Why am I not getting better already?" which adds only more stress to your system because now you are being very hard on yourself
  • Made recovery basically a full-time job, dedicating hours a day on trying to get better. You may have even given up everything else in your life to fully dedicate yourself to this -- but now there's absolutely no joy in your life anymore!

But if you haven't looked into emotional healing yet, you absolutely need to do it.

Many chronic symptom (TMS) support groups and guides focus on many important things: Uplifting self-talk, positive affirmations, visualization techniques, getting rid of the fear, stopping medical treatments and going back to life. But they miss a CRUCIAL piece of the puzzle – emotions.

Your emotions need to be addressed, and doing it regularly and without fear can help you to get a lot of relief from your chronic sensations or even completely heal them.

Get started now!

What People Are Saying

When You Master Your Emotions Through Emotionally Fit, You Become Someone Who...

  • Enjoys life so much more because now you can ride your bike, go hiking or traveling with your friends or kids or work out without your body hurting
  • Can spend energy and money on things that truly bring you joy, not on specialists, supplements and treatments
  • Has a new found self trust because you no longer need medical professionals to "fix" you
  • Might pick up a hobby that you've always dreamed about because your body feels so much better and your energy is higher
  • Enjoys better relationships with your friends and family members because you are a lot more authentic and real, you share your feelings and connect with others more deeply
  • Has the time to do what she wants, instead of going from appointment to appointment
  • Is in a much better mood in general, instead of feeling so depressed and anxious all the time that you don't even want to leave your house

Hi, I'm Kersten!

I can hardly wait to share with you the most powerful tool that you can use to significantly reduce or even completely get rid of your chronic TMS pain. That is, emotional healing.

Here's a bit about my journey...

I learned about TMS years ago, and it made sense to me quickly. I understood that my pain was coming from stress that caused my brain and nervous system to be on high alert, and initially, I did get some relief from my pain simply by understanding how this type of pain works.

But years later -- yes, years later, despite having all the knowledge, despite stopping looking for medical solutions, despite repeating to myself that I was okay and trying to calm my brain down, I was still in pain. I was in less pain, but still in significant pain.

It wasn't until I learned about how emotions can cause these physical symptoms that are sometimes more painful than any structural problem, and started working with them, that I started to have a few moments here and there when my pain dropped.

Those few moments grew into one day, and then into 3, 4 and 5 days... Until I had more and more periods of time when I had hardly any pain!

I am feeling so much better now and I know that it's because of the emotional work that I have been doing. Because it wasn't until diving into the world of emotions that I started noticing longer and longer stretches of no pain.

There are times where the pain wants to come back. This is where I know to address my stress and ask myself what I feel on the emotional level. Acknowledging my emotions, then expressing them and releasing them, just the way I teach you in this course, calms my heightened nervous system down again.

I'm much better now compared to a few years ago.

Years ago, there were times when I would lay down in bed, without even moving, and feeling sharp stabbing sensations throughout my whole back...

There was a time when I was teaching group fitness classes and after demonstrating an exercise, I could not get up from the mat anymore because my back was in such terrible pain.

Now, I lift heavy weights and I know for certain that there is and never was anything wrong with my back!

I'm here to provide you all the tools that you need for emotional healing so that you can get relief from chronic sensations, and if they try to come and visit again, you know what to do so that they don't stick around for too long.

I can't wait to see you inside the course!



Today, I can lift heavy weights like it's nobody's business! ​ I was told that I should forget about heavy lifting because my back wouldn't handle it -- but here I am, lifting 240 lbs.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
Emotionally Fit is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. You will receive new modules every week for 7 weeks starting from the day of enrollment, but it's totally up to you how long you take to work through them.
Will I get access to the entire course right away or one module at a time?
You will access one module per week, for 7 weeks. That way, you can focus on one topic at a time, take your time to take it in and do the homework, without a temptation to quickly rush to the next module. At the end of 7 weeks, you will of course have a full access to the course, forever!
How much time do I need to dedicate on this course every day or every week?
You need 1-2 hours per week, and 2 is a maximum. This includes some time to listen to the audio lessons, but you don't need to set aside a specific amount of time for them. You can listen while doing something else! You should reserve about one hour every week for active work, such as working through your workbook.
How long are the audio lessons and how many are there every week?
Audio lessons are on average 8 minutes long. However, some are much shorter (3 min) and a few are longer (20 min). There will be 4-7 audio lessons per week for you to listen.
What are the course materials like?
There are audio lessons and accompanying PDF files. As long as you listen to just audios, you're good! But if you want to read the materials and get links to additional resources, check out the PDFs too.
I'm afraid I will get too overwhelmed and won't follow through.
I understand your concern! That's why I created this course so that it's totally manageable for you. The lessons are bite-sized, not too long, and easily understandable. I also want to make really clear that you will never be behind! This course is totally self-paced, and if you feel like you are getting overwhelmed or if you run out of time one week and don't get to the course -- that is 100% fine. Once you have the course, you will always have access to it so you never need to worry about "being behind".
What if I'm unhappy with the course?
I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Get started now!