TTB STARTER: Private Messaging Support from Kersten
Get 1:1 coaching from Kersten via text messages, 5 days a week.
This is a 1:1 text messaging support from Kersten, where you can ask ANY questions about your course.
It's simple: Take a video of you doing the exercise, send it via Signal, and Kersten will send you feedback.
You can also ask any questions you have related to this workout program (no detailed nutrition advice please).
Course Curriculum
New section
Available in
after you enroll
Who Is This 1:1 Text Messaging Support Meant For?
- For anyone who needs additional accountability to get the work in the program done
- For anyone who is unsure of their exercise form and wants to make sure that they are doing the movements correctly.
What You Need To Know About 1:1 Text Message Support with Kersten:
- Messages will be sent via Signal (download HERE)
- You can message Kersten with any questions related to the course you purchased, including exercise videos for form check
- NO voice messages please. Text messages only (and videos for form feedback as mentioned before)
- Kersten responds from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm MT.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does this text messaging access start and finish?
Your text message access to Kersten starts as soon as you pay and set up your Signal, and finishes after 2 months (at the end of the course).
Will I be able to save all the conversations in the messaging app?
Yes! Your messages will stay in Signal unless you delete them.
How quickly can I get a response?
Kersten responds to your messages from Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm MT. If you message on the weekend, she'll respond on Monday.
Please keep the messages concise and to the point, that way she can get back to you faster!
Can I send video and voice messages?
All form check videos should be video messages. For other questions, please send text messages.
NO voice messages please.