Train To Build Starter

8-week strength training program for beginners and those who have had a long break from strength training.

What is Strength Training?

Strength Training is a type of physical exercise whose most known function is to improve physical strength and endurance. Strength training is also critical for achieving a healthy body composition as it's the only tool that helps to increase muscle mass while reducing body fat.

But it's a less known fact that strength training is also an amazing tool for improving mental health and increasing a sense of empowerment. That's because strength training requires us to literally push through resistance and handle challenging moments which will then translate to life outside of the workouts too. As a result of regular strength training, you'll have better mood, more positive outlook on life, and you feel strong and confident in yourself!

If you are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), a person who experienced MindBody Syndrome (TMS) or you are simply looking ways to build up your confidence while also improving your physical health, strength training is a must for you.

Train to Build Starter is the perfect program to get started with!

Who Is Train To Build Starter meant for?

Train to Build Starter is meant for total beginners to strength training, and for those who have trained before but had a longer break (~1 year or more) from it.

Train to Build Starter is suitable for all fitness levels and requires no previous strength training experience.

That's right: Even if you are totally new to strength training, you can do this program very successfully! You need very minimal equipment, the movements are simple yet effective, and there are videos and written descriptions for all the exercises. You can print out the workout plan and take it with you wherever you work out.

If you have done strength training previously but needed a break because of injuries, TMS (MindBody Syndrome), pregnancy, or simply because life got on the way, Train to Build Starter is your way back to regular strength training!

Here's what people are saying about Train to Build STARTER program:

I believe that everyone not only can but needs to strength train because of the physical, mental and emotional health benefits that strength training offers.

Strength training is your investment into your current and also future health -- the sooner you start, the healthier you will be as you get older.

Strength training is also the most empowering form of working out, because it makes us to push through resistance and face challenging moments as we do so.

That's what makes it so valuable for especially Highly Sensitive People, those who are recovering from MindBody syndrome, and for anyone who wants to build their confidence. This program is a perfect starting point because it's gentle but effective!

Enroll for $77 today -- it's less than $10 a week!

Course Curriculum

  Weeks 3-4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Weeks 5-6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Weeks 7-8
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Next Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll

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What people are saying:

Why you should care about getting started with or getting back to strength training?

Here are some physical health benefits:

  • Physical strength. This is obvious! As we get older, we lose muscle mass if we don't do anything to build or maintain it. Building or at least maintaining muscle mass is critical so that we can stay strong and independent as long as possible
  • Increased metabolic rate. There is no other tool that helps to keep the metabolism high and healthy the way that strength training does
  • Easier fat loss. This is directly linked to higher metabolic rate and muscle mass. The more muscle mass we have, the more energy we burn even when we are resting
  • Reduced injury risk and faster injury recovery. For example, if we step off the curb or slip on ice and fall, our chances of breaking a bone are a lot lower if we are training regularly. And if we do break a bone despite strength training, we recover faster than someone who doesn't train!
  • Better physique. Nothing else can shape the muscle other than strength training, and give us the look we like. Cardio does not shape muscle
  • Blood sugar regulation. This is important for everyone but especially for HSPs because we are extra sensitive to blood sugar fluctuations. If we want to have more balanced energy throughout the day, strength training (combined with a balanced diet) can help
  • Diabetes prevention. The best tool against diabetes isn't to lose fat... It's to build muscle. If we have decent muscle mass, that muscle will absorb and use the carbohydrates we eat for energy. Without that, excess carbs will circulate in blood stream and keep the blood sugar and insulin high, which can lead to diabetes. Trust me, I know this -- I used to have elevated fasting blood sugar levels and too high post meal blood sugar levels but now, after years of strength training and better diet, both are excellent!
  • Better bone density. By training our muscles, we also strengthen our bones because our muscles are attached to our bones. This is especially important for women in midlife when they lose bone mass. The best thing to do is to prevent bone loss by strength training
  • Improved hormonal health. If done correctly, strength training organizes our hormones in ways that improve our health (this includes the sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, but also the stress hormone cortisol, and blood sugar regulating hormone insulin)
  • Better sleep. Strength training has been shown to significantly improve both sleep quality and quantity.

Mental health benefits:

  • Improved mood. Strength training is a powerful antidepressant -- a fact that hasn't gotten enough attention. And, different from many medications, if done correctly, strength training has zero negative side effects
  • Sense of empowerment. There is an amazing carryover from physical health to mental health! Strength training makes you feel strong in both ways. This is extremely important for Highly Sensitive People, people with MindBody Syndrome (TMS), and anyone who wants to build their confidence!
  • Better focus. Strength training makes us slow down and concentrate on the movement. It's like a moving meditation, improving our ability to stay present and mindful
  • Better stress tolerance. When we strength train, we are learning to face our difficulties and work with them, instead of giving up because we get too overwhelmed with stress
  • Increased confidence. Strength training makes us feel GREAT about ourselves! This is another reason why it's particularly helpful for Highly Sensitive People. people with MindBody Syndrome (TMS), and anyone who wants to build their confidence
  • Better ability to set boundaries and speak up for ourselves. This is very true -- when we strength train, we build a sense of pride and self respect, we show up authentically and express ourselves more freely!

Enroll for $77 today -- less than $10 a week!

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What's included in Train to Build Starter program?

  • 8 weeks of strength training workouts with bodyweight and resistance bands. There is NO cardio in this program
  • 2-3 strength workouts per week (weeks 1-2 two workouts, weeks 3-8 three workouts)
  • Detailed description + video demonstration for each exercise
  • Two 15-minute follow-along mobility workouts. Mobility sessions are meant to improve your joint health, keep the body pain-free and avoid stiffness and tightness so that you can return to your next workout feeling relaxed and recovered
  • Printable workout tracker for keeping track on how you progress and also for keeping yourself accountable.

What Train to Build Starter program IS NOT:

  • Cardio program. There is no running, spinning, burpees, high knees or other cardio exercises in this plan. You can do them on your own but they are absolutely NOT required to get great results
  • HIT (High Intensity Training) program. You will do your exercises in a slow, focused manner and have plenty of rest breaks, rather than rushing through your workouts as quickly as possible. HIT is NOT needed at all, and the workouts in this program are much more effective than HIT
  • Follow-along workout video program. With the exception of mobility workouts, this is not a follow-along program that you would do by following the instructor in the video. You will get video demonstrations for each exercise, but will do all the movements and workouts at your own pace
  • Weight loss program. While weight loss may happen as a side effect of doing this program, this is not the main goal. Weight loss comes mostly from our diet but this is an exercise program only.

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Here's what you need to do the Train to Build Starter program:

  • A small resistance band, also known as the "booty band" or "hip circle". HERE is the one that I use
  • A long resistance band. It's ideal if you have a few different strengths to choose from. HERE is one option that I like
  • Bench or a chair
  • Something to wrap your band around so that you can pull it (for example, stair railings, a pole, a very heavy table that won't move as you pull, even a tree will work if you work out outside)
  • About 20-45 minutes per week. Weeks 1-4 will be shorter (about 20-30 min), and 5-8 longer (about 35-45 min)
  • Some space to exercise -- your living room is probably fine!
Train to Build Beginner

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Course Curriculum

  Weeks 3-4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Weeks 5-6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Weeks 7-8
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Next Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
You get access to the course as soon as you purchase it. There is no set start and end date. It is an 8-week course but completely self-paced - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How much time I need to do the workouts?
All strength workouts are about 25-45 minutes long. -- shorter in the first two weeks, and a bit longer after that. Mobility workouts are about 15 minutes long.
What equipment do I need?
You need bodyweight and 2 types of bands: A short resistance band and a long resistance band. Please scroll up on this page to get the links to some bands that I recommend.
How do I know that I'm doing the exercises right?
There are video demonstrations for every single exercise and also some written notes to highlight the most important things to pay attention to. Follow the instructions closely and you won't go wrong.
How long do I have access to the course?
Lifetime! After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I'm unhappy with the course?
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund.

If you're ready to get fitter, stronger and build a new level of confidence -- start today. It comes out less than $10 a week!

Get started now!